I'm reading along with some friends through the Book of Mormon. Thought I'd post my ponderings.
chapter 20
verse 18 where it says "o that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments -- then had thy peace been as a river" made me think of Psalm 1 where it says the godly man is like a tree planted by the waters
chapter 19
i have intermittent internet access where i'm at right now (at our cabin for thanksgiving) and i don't have my BOM here at the moment, but was this the chapter where nephi talked about people basically trampling God underfoot, or something like that? that stood out to me, because it is basically the way society is today. no one has any respect for God or gives him any thought in their daily actions. they behave "rudely" ;)
chapter 18
i figured that "rudeness" must have been very crude, even lascivious behavior.
i liked the illustration of Nephi taking time out from his very important task to have private time with the Lord. he went up to a mountain -- he removed himself from distraction so he could totally focus on God. he did this often, and we can see what he gleaned!
the liahona is mentioned again.
chapter 17
wow, i didn't realize i didn't post for this! i really like in verse 3 where it says, "And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doeth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them" If God asks it of us and we are faithful and obedient, he will provide a way for us to accomplish it. that is a PROMISE.
verse 7 reminded me of Moses going to the mountain to get the ten commandments.
verse 13 reminded me of God leading Israel in the wilderness at night by a pillar of fire.
verse 45, "Ye are swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your God." is convicting.
verse 50 reminded me of Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:23, Matthew 17:20 and Luke 17:6
chapter 16
chapter 15
in order to understand the wisdom of the Lord i must humble my heart, inquire of the Lord in faith, diligently keep his commands, hold fast unto the word of God. his wisdom is spiritually discerned and foolishness to man.
chapter 14
the wrath of God seems to be emphasized in this chapter. it seems that we need to remember that even though he is loving and gentle, there is going to be judgment, and as loving as he is, how terrible his wrath is going to be. a definite wake up call to make sure you are a part of the true church
chapter 13
what caught my attention was the phrase "the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth" it is said also of the Gentiles in verse 13, then it is said again with a slight variation in verse 15 "and they did prosper." if you have the Spirit you will go forth (be obedient) and prosper.... according to God's will for you
chapter 12
what stood out to me was the descriptions of "mist of darkness" and "vapor of darkness." this drives home how subtle evil (darkness) is. mist obscures vaguely. sometimes you don't even notice your view is obscured until the mist clears. this is why it's so easy to get caught up in it and why we have to be diligent.
chapter 11
for some reason when i read about the Spirit asking Nephi what he desired, i was reminded of when Solomon went before the Lord and was asked what he wanted and Solomon said wisdom. if given a "blank check" like that, what would i ask for? i'm afraid it wouldn't be as noble a request. scripture says where your heart is, there your treasure will be. Nephi's request showed where his heart was
chapter 10
chapter 9
chapter 8
what stood out to me was "the multitude of his tender mercies." it was similar to something Nephi had said in chapter one that stood out to me. not sure why "tender mercies" is jumping out at me as i read, but it is and i'm marking it so maybe it will become clear as i go along....